Saturday, June 11, 2011

12 Great Free Video Tutorial Sites To Brush Up Your Tech Skills

Saikat Basu provides 12 Great Free Video Tutorial Sites To Brush Up Your Tech Skills on He writes that "Video tutorials take us back into the classroom — a virtual one" and lists free video tutorial sites that he thinks "could be an education". As a lecturer, I do take issue with his statement that "Few would disagree that online video "lectures" are more interesting than what they are in the real world". I don't see how a recording of a lecture could be more interesting than the real thing, or that a video of a lab experiment is bore interesting than actually going into a lab and doing the experiment. If a subject is difficult or boring - viewing it on-line won't make much of a difference IMHO. But I am a Lecturer and I would say that! However, it does make for an interesting debate.

Here's the list of the 12 tutorial sites (with links):

There's something for everyone on these sites - and a lot of it is free. So go and learn - in particular the CBT Cafe are very good!

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