Saikat Basu provides 12 Great Free Video Tutorial Sites To Brush Up Your Tech Skills on He writes that "Video tutorials take us back into the classroom — a virtual one" and lists free video tutorial sites that he thinks "could be an education". As a lecturer, I do take issue with his statement that "Few would disagree that online video "lectures" are more interesting than what they are in the real world". I don't see how a recording of a lecture could be more interesting than the real thing, or that a video of a lab experiment is bore interesting than actually going into a lab and doing the experiment. If a subject is difficult or boring - viewing it on-line won't make much of a difference IMHO. But I am a Lecturer and I would say that! However, it does make for an interesting debate.
Here's the list of the 12 tutorial sites (with links):Woopid | TutorialVid |
Video Tutorial Zone |
Tubetorial |
TutorialParadise |
Adobe TV |
WordPress TV |
CBT Cafe |
Got My Idea |
Showmedo |
Go To And Learn |
Best Tech Videos |
There's something for everyone on these sites - and a lot of it is free. So go and learn - in particular the CBT Cafe are very good!
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