I voted "Yes" in today's fiscal treaty referendum. I always vote "yes" for European stuff. If there was a referendum tomorrow on creating a federal Europe, I would vote "Yes", and take control from the fools who are running the country right now. We need the EU more than it needs us, money talks, we need stability, the markets will not like a "No", - all the usual clichés are trotted out to get us to vote "Yes", and unfortunately they are usually right.
Image link to Michael McCarthy TD website. |
When big wigs in Europe get together and come up with a Treaty, when a huge majority of our own Dáil support this treaty, when sensible commentators say "Yes" is best - I generally go along with their opinion. While I am very pro-European (see above), I have a very simple method for deciding how I should vote. Whatever Sinn Féin, Joe Higgins, Éirígí, Libertas, United Left Alliance, and Richard Boyd-Barrett are against - I am for.
This time however - I had a little doubt. When a sensible person like Shane Ross says he is voting "No" - it's time to pay attention. He wanted the referendum postponed - the ballot paper today was not about this. Ross is someone who should be listened to, and I must confess that he almost persuaded me this time. I pay attention when he talks, though do not always agree.
What I would really like is a referendum to let the Dáil decide on all things European from now on without the need for any more referendums on the EU - after all we pay them to make decisions like this. I am fed up with the divisive shite that fills the airwaves every time there is a referendum.
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