Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My YouTube Channel - Half a Million Views!

I have just checked the viewing figures for my Learn with YouTube channel this morning and spotted that it is exactly 500,000 as I write this post! Wow! Thank you to every single person who has viewed my videos - I can safely say that this is one of the most thrilling moments in my education career. To think that what started out as a simple experiment for one of my e-Learning classes has grown to this, is amazing to me. I would need a lecture theatre with room for 1,370 students every day for a year to reach the same number of people through the classroom.


Here's Spokesmayne who also got excited when his channel hit 500,000 views - so exited that he recorded a video about it. It pretty much sums up how I feel about this landmark right now...

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding achievement Eugene. Congratulations! You are providing a great service to staff and students in Higher Education. Keep up the great work:
    Paul Gormley
    Chair, Irish Learning Technology Association
