My mum Phil (Byrne) O'Loughlin was born on 27th August, 1934 and reaches the milestone of 80 years young today. Happy Birthday Mum! Lots of love from Eugene.
Some facts for anyone born on this day 80 years ago from
If you were born on 27th August 1934., your age is Eigthy years and One days. 29,221 days passed since day of Your birth (or 4174.4 weeks). But you are not alone with this! In world 276,000 babies was born on that day.
You were born on Monday, and your zodiac sign is Virgo.
The "big bum" was on ≈4th December 1933. (if you were born on time), but for details, ask your parents, they may have some interesting story for that day ;-)
If your hair were never cut since b-day, today, it would be 10.23 meters long.
Heart beats since your birth: 2,945,500,000.
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