Saturday, March 13, 2010

SlideShare - Lunch Time Seminar 12th March, 2010

Yesterday I presented the Lunchtime Seminar in NCI - my topic "Self Publishing". I started out by mentioning my self-published paper on rhythms in the shore crab, and my unpublished article for The Sunday Times on the history of computing. I of course mentioned my blog, but the theme was how easy it is for people to publish anything they want, using Blogger or WordPress, on any subject they like - with not an Editor or a Publisher in sight. I showed off a few of my own posts, but also mentioned several others and showed my audience how blogs can be used as an ideal support for businesses - my example here was Alasdar's Blog.

Other ideas for Self-publishing I discussed were converting your blog to a book with Blog2Print (I create a book from my own blog as I was talking), publishing and selling your own book with Lulu and Blurb, publishing magazines/newsletters with Issuu, videos with YouTube, web sites with Google sites, and even personal histories with History Ireland. I think the most interesting things for my audience were when I played the 1958 recording of my Grandparent's wedding message for my Mum and Dad, and a radio request from 1986 for Roma and I on our wedding day (13th September, 1986).

In continuation on the theme of self publishing, I have created a new account at and have posted the slides I used in the presentation. As you'll see, my slides are quite bare with just a diagram or two - I prefer my audience to listen rather than read lots of text from my slides.

I am experimenting with SlideShare, and may use it some more. I dare not use it for class notes as I'm certain they would infringe copyright or IP in some way. This post is published direct from SlideShare to my blog with the "Blog this!" option.

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