Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Free Harvard University course - "Justice"

Harvard University is offering a free course on Justice, with Professor Michael Sandel. Harvard invites us to take "a front row seat at the first course Harvard has ever made available to everyone, online and on the air". Here's the preview of the course:

Each lecture is about 55 minutes in length, and is very well produced. The quality of the video, sound, and camera work is excellent - there must be a good team of people working on providing this class on-line (it will remind you of a one-man show in a theatre). Professor Sandel is also one of the best lecturers I have ever seen - on-line, or in a class. As I go through these series of lectures, I hope to learn from him - not just about the subject matter of the course, but also his strategies for learning and teaching. His classes are very engaging, and to me it looks like his students are hooked on every word. While we all don't have the resources available to Harvard to do something like this (though note that they use YouTube to deliver the content), there is a lot we can learn from it. Be sure to check it out if you are interested in on-line learning.

The full list of lectures available online is as follows:

The Moral Side of Murder / The Case for Cannibalism
Putting a Price Tag on Life / How to Measure Pleasure
Free to Choose / Who Owns Me?
This Land is my Land / Consenting Adults
Hired Guns? / For Sale: Motherhood
Mind Your Motive / The Supreme Principle of Morality
A Lesson in Lying / A Deal is a Deal
What’s a Fair Start? / What Do We Deserve?
Arguing Affirmative Action / What's the Purpose?
The Good Citizen / Freedom vs. Fit
The Claims of Community / Where Our Loyalty Lies
Debating Same-sex Marriage / The Good Life

1 comment:

  1. He is a compelling speaker who involves his audience. Videos are also in iTunesU - definitely worth watching
