Friday, January 03, 2014

Joining the conversation about the #WildAtlanticWay on Twitter

From January 1st I have started to tweet photos of my journey last year around Fáilte Ireland's new project for 2014 - the Wild Atlantic Way. The #WildAtlanticWay hashtag has been in use for a while and I will tag all my tweets with this. The #WAW hashtag has been suggested, but @Failte_Ireland have suggested to me to keep the longer tag. Lots of other Tweeters are already using the longer version.

I took nearly 3,000 photos over the ten days of the journey and I expect around 200 of the best will make it into my new book "Exploring the Wild Atlantic Way" due to be published in the next few months. So I have lots of leftover photos to tweet. I will tweet just a few each day and keep going until I reach my last photo taken in Lough Foyle. Here's the feed for #WildAtlanticWay:

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