Monday, January 09, 2012

Super resource for Educators - Irish Teacher Blogs

Irish Teacher Blogs is an aggregate blog that pulls together posts from a number of Irish educators - "Eugene's Blog" has recently been added! There are about 50 blogs listed - many I was already familiar with, but I was really surprised that there are so many people blogging about education in Ireland. I'm sure there are many more not yet listed - so keep an eye out as more are added to the ITB list.

There are quite a lot of educators from all levels in Irish education blogging - ranging from Damien Quinn's excellent Seomra Ranga (which provides resources for primary teachers), to Nigel Lane's The Inside Lane (which is an excellent resources for iPad/iPhone users), to Catherine Cronin's Blog (she writes about technology in third-level). 

The only problem is... keeping up with everybody's blog posts! So the ITB aggregate blog is a really cool way to at a glance see who is posting about what. Well worth checking out.


  1. Meant to comment on this post before now! Thanks for mentioning ITB and The Inside Lane, I appreciate the support.

  2. Agreed, it's a busy blogsphere out there and aggregated feeds are the way to go, I've just submitted to Nigel's ITB on the exodus of Irish Teachers to Australia.
