Thursday, June 04, 2009

Google Street View Camera

Today while out for one of my favorite lunchtime walks through the three green fields (Merrion Square, St. Stephen's Green, and College Park in Trinity) I spotted the Google Street View car with its camera on the roof. I was just outside the Provost's House in Trinity located at the centre of the map below:

It was an ordinary saloon car with a curious roof rack on which was a clearly visible camera on top. I had heard that Google had stopped using a van in favour of a lower car due to privacy concerns. There was a guy in the back of the car with a laptop computer - as he passed he was looking in a folder at some files, so I'm not sure that he was actually recording as he drove past me.

I felt like waving to the camera, but I did not want to look stupid for posterity on Google Maps Street View. I do hope they were recording - I have no problem being shown on Street View. In fact I will probably be disappointed if they blot my face out! I'll be on the lookout for the Street View outside the Provost's House whenever Google get this on-line.

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