I am featured in the current edition of Inside NCI - The Magazine for Friends of National College of Ireland. I was interviewed (by email) for the 2 Minute interview slot, and had some fun coming up with the answers. The full magazine is published on-line at ISSUU, and the short article is on page 15. I previously posted about a new photo taken for this article which I have now set as my Blogger Profile photo. The photo is quite small in the printed version of the magazine and you really need a magnifying glass to see how cool I look on my bike.
Below is a scan of the article. Also featured in the full magazine are the winners from NCI of the Newstalk Student Enterprise Competition, an interview with Norma Smurfit (after whow our library is named), and a look at the Legends in your Lunchtime series which is hosted at NCI and run by Newstalk radio. Rev Ian Paisley is due to be interviewed on Wednesday for the next part of the series - I'll be sure to post about this afterwards.

It's a great interview Eugene. Can't wait to be invited to one of your BBQ's!