The National Geographic Society recently invited me (and I'm sure millions of others) to join their International Reader Panel. The panel will be used to help NGS "marketing and advertising departments develop National Geographic magazine in ways you will find useful and interesting". I'm interested in being part of panels - usually it mostly means filling out surveys. As a Lecturer who encourages many students to complete research projects, I am always interested in how the "professionals" write their surveys - I might (and usually do) get some ideas.
I have been reading the National Geographic since the 1960s. My Mum's long time American friend (Mary B-M) has been sending her the NG since we were kids - I have been a subscriber since 1997. I love this publication and read it regularly. I prefer human interest and history articles - despite being a qualified Zoologist I am not really that interested in articles like "Curious Congo Chimps" (Feb 2010 edition). The NG is cheap and I think I will keep subscribing to it forever. It was in the NG that I first read about Ernest Shackleton's incredible adventures in the Antarctic.
Always - the NGS photos are the best feature for me, I'd love to be able to take shoot some of the incredible shots that they publish every month. They do a "Best of Photo of the Day" - below is one from today that shows the Arc de Triomphe in Paris (image is a link to the NGS site, not a copy).
I'm a qualified Zoologist and keen National Geographic reader too. The photos are definitely the best part of the magazine. I was interested in the idea that the observers become the observed in the Congo Chimps article