Friday, October 04, 2024

The Italian Job - Day 8

Today was the shortest ride of the Italian Job tour - just 90 kms from Alberobello to Maratea. We woke up in the fantastic Trulli house, but had to leave it before 8 am. It would have been lovely to enjoy it a bit more. Following breakfast we stopped for some photo opportunities and then made our way to Altamura  where we had a brilliant private tour at the small La Cantina Ffrud wine museum. How it was created was a fantastic story and we had close up views of all the old wine making equipment on show. We had an early lunch at a bakery founded in 1391 which is still in use - delicious bread, focaccia, tomatoes, salads, and much more.

It wasn’t long before we reached Matera - now a World Heritage site. We had a two-hour long tour around the old houses and caves where people lived in squalor up until the early 1960s. This was a brilliant tour which ended in a lovely meal at the San Biagio restaurant in the centre of Matera. This is a very busy city, more so at the moment because there is a G7 meeting here tomorrow. Lots of police and press around, and a hell of a lot of tourists.

Yet another brilliant day on the Italian Job tours comes to an end. Tomorrow we have over 280 kms ahead of us on the road to Vieste - more adventure awaits!

On the road in Matera.


Outside a bakery opened in 1391.

Some of the winemaking equipment at La Cantina Ffrud.

A lovely evening comes to an end.

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