Sunday, January 22, 2017

New Semester

It's Sunday evening before the new semester starts at the National College of Ireland - my first class begins tomorrow at 09:00. As usual, I will have four modules to teach, but the good thing for me is that for one of the modules I deliver will be to two separate classes. So in reality, I have just three modules:
  • Business Data Analysis
  • Advanced Business Data Analysis (two classes)
  • Data Visualization

There are a few "firsts" for me with these classes. It will be the first time that all my modules will be based on data - three of my classes are Higher Diploma classes, while the other is a final year undergraduate BSc. The Data Visualization module is also a first timer - this is a new module on our Higher Diploma in Data Analytics programme, and I am very much looking forward to it. Also for the first time ever in my 29 semesters since I started in NCI, I will have classes every day. Finally, I will also be teaching on Friday nights for the first time.

A new semester is always full of hope and expectation. All my classes are Award Year ones, so I'm expecting high levels of student participation and attendance - it is "show time" for them as I will tell them all this week. The College is introducing a second Reading Week in the week leading up to Easter, this will effectively make the semester 14 weeks long - I'm certain that it will feel like it is dragging on later in the semester. 

So - here's to a great semester for all NCI students. Our motto is "To Change Lives Through Educaiton" - this is exactly what we do.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree, the Data Visualization class would have been very interesting. We missed out in 2016...
