One of the earliest videos that I published was "How To... Calculate Net Present Value (NPV) in Excel 2003" - it was only my third ever video and was uploaded to YouTube on October 10th, 2008. In the six and a half years since it has garnered a modest 79,832 views, 93 Likes (and 6 dislikes), and earned €176.68. I had often thought that I should do an upated version for Excel versions 2007 and 2010 - but since the method was exactly the same, I didn't bother.
Today I have released a long overdue updated version for Excel 2013. While the calculations are the same for all versions, an update is needed as the quality of video and audio has changed a bit since 2008. Back then I used a series of screenshots and saved them as images in order of appearance. I recorded the audio in Audacity and used it to remove noise. I then imported both the audio and images into Windows Movie Maker, and synced the images to the sound. Overall - a tedious and lengthy process. Nowadays I'm using Snagit to make each video in one go.
This latest video is the first part of two videos that show how to calculate Net Present Value (NPV), Return on Investment (ROI), and Payback - these are used to select projects on a financial basis.
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